The Influence of Enhanced External Counterpulsation Intervention on the Biochemical Stress Distribution of Advanced Plaque: A 3D FSI Study Based on in vivo Animal Experiement. by Y Zhang, H Wang, A Mei, J Du, and G Wu was recently published online in Tech Science Press 21 February 2019. In the current ACCF/AHA Guideline and the ESC Guideline on the management of stablke ischemic heart disease and coronary artery disease, EECP has been given a Class IIb and Class IIa recommendation respectively. In the ASA Guideline on the early management of Acute Ischemic Stroke, EECP has been given a Class IIa recommendation. IOn this animal study the authors explore the role of EECP to influence advanced plaque progression and quantify the variations of biomechanical stresses of the plaque during EECP therapy. For more information click on the title highlighted above.