An original article entitled “Quality of life improvement after one year follow up in patients with refractory angina pectoris” treated with enhanced external; counterpulsation has been published in the Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences. The authors Heider Hemed Abbas et al, reported on a cohort of 88 patients with refractory angina pectoris enrolled in their prospective, single arm clinical study. They found statistically significant improvement in from CCS# and CCS4 pre EECP to CCS1 and CCS2 post EECP, at six months and though slightly lesser at one year, most patients remained in CCS1 and CCS2 with a statistically significant P value of <0.00001. The authors concluded that EECP appears as a safe, effective therapy in selective patients with refractory angina who did not respond to medical therapy or were unfit for intervention or surgery.
For more information click on the following link: PJMHS Article on EECP